Over the last 4 articles, I've shared some of my thoughts about my trip to Honduras. I know those thoughts are incomplete. I've left stuff out maybe I should have included; more thoughts and reflections will undoubtedly hit me in the days and weeks ahead.
But as soon as possible after my trip, I wanted to capture my reflections. Definitely as a way of remembering, but more importantly, to help inform the life paths I choose going forward. Because I brought a truth back from Honduras. To a large degree a truth I've always known it - but today it's written on my heart. It has a relentless voice. And it's saying: You have far more paths to choose from in life than most of the world. Before I left, people warned me - you'll come back feeling guilty. While I was there, a wise woman warned me against coming home feeling pity. |
What if we simply have it backwards? What if the cultural invitation to pursue our best selves is an endless chase, too cruel to even let us know it's a dead end? And what if that chase is a self-destructive distraction from the reality that helping someone else become their best self IS the path to becoming our best self. What if getting committed to the esteem of others is the purest path to boosting our own self-esteem?